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POGO PG8219: Marvel's New Mutants, Mister Negative, and Ghost Spider Minifigures Preview

PG1918 - Cannonball
PG1919 - Wolfsbane
PG1920 - Magik
PG1921 - Mirage
PG1922 - Magma
PG1923 - Mr Negative's Henchman
PG1924 - Mister Negative
PG1925 - Ghost Spider

No Sunspot? Karma? Warlock? I hope they're saving the others for another set of New Mutants!

Ghost Spider isn't new; KORUIT has their own that I think looks superior. Kopf also has their own Mister Negative, but they didn't have the henchman.

Hoping that POGO retains or improves their recent figure quality! Will let you know asap once I get them from AngeloMarcus Greenhills if that will be the case or not!

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